Aegis anvil apple armor arrow athletic beard beautiful blindfold bow breastplate Caduceus cape Cerberus chariot cock conch shell cornucopia crescent moon crown cyclops diadem dog dolphins dove dragon drunk eagle Eros/Cupid fire flowers forge garland golden apple golden cape Gorgon grain grapes hair tied back halberd half-clothed halo hammer harvest hat head of the Gorgon helmet horses huntress ivy kithara lame lamp lance laurel leaurel wreath lightning bolt long hair lyre modestly dressed monster myrtle naked nereids nude old old man owl peacock petasus pig pitchfork pomegranate quiver rooster rose roses scepter sea-horses shell shield sparrow spear stag sun sun chariot swan sword throne torch trident Triton tunic Underworld veil wine winged winged cap winged shoes/feet wolf young young girl young man young woman youth
abbess's robe abbot's staff alms alms box anchor angel animal skins animals Apostle apron arrow asleep aspergillum axe bag banner bare head basket beard beardless beehive beggar bell belt bishop's dress black cloak blue cloak bones book bread breasts Bridgettine cross candle cardinal Carmelite habit carpenter’s square carpentry cassock cell chained demon chalice chasuble child Christ cleaver cloak cock column cope crosier cross cross of Lorraine crown of lilies crown of thorns crucible crucifix crux decussata dagger Deacon demon demons divine light dog dog head Dominican habit dove dragon eagle ecstatic expression elegantly dressed enclosed garden Evangelist eyes farrier's tools fire fish flame around head fleur-de-lis flowering staff flowers Franciscan habit fruit galero garden girdle gold balls gold purses goldsmith goldsmith's tools gridiron grill halberd half-clothed handmaidens hat head heart heart with thorns heavenly light hermit Holy Family horse horseshoe host hourglass IHS inkwell instruments keys king's dress knife knight lamb lamp lance large stature lily lion long hair medallion mitre model of church money monkey head mourning music nails naked nude oar old old man old woman OMDG organ ox pallium palm branch palm fronds papal dress papal tiara pen penitent pig pilgrim pilgrim's hat pincers pitcher pointing finger pope princess pyxis jar raven red cloak red cross ring river robes rock roses royal dress Saint Andrew's cross Saint John the Baptist saltire saw scales scourge scroll shell shepherd's dress shroud skin skull sleeping slit throat snake soldier spear staff star on brow stigmata stout sun sun on chest sword Tau staff tied tonsure tools torch tower tub tunic two scrolls upside down utensils veil Virgin Mary wheel whip white banner white dog white habit white horse white veil wide cloak widow's dress writing X-shaped cross young young man young woman
Classical Heroes:
Anchises Andromache Antaeus Aphrodite/Venus apple Argo Argonauts armor armor of Achilles Astyanax Athena/Minerva beard beautiful birds boar boat bow Bucephalus bull burning Troy Calypso cannibals cattle Cerberus Charybdis Chimaera Circe classical dress club crown curved sword Cyclops Darius III dragon dressed as a woman feathered helmet fire general general’s attire girdle goddesses golden apple Golden Fleece Gordian knot Gorgon head head of the Gorgon helmet Hera/Juno hind horse horses hydra knot Labyrinth laurel wreath lion lion skin Lotus-eaters Minotaur monster muscular naked nude Paris Pegasus Phrygian cap Pileus scar Scylla shepherd shepherd’s dress shield Sirens snake son sons spear sword sword of Aeneas tied Underworld weapons winged cap winged shoes/feet young young man
Mythological Figures:
anemones animals Aphrodite/Venus Apollo Artemis/Diana asleep bald beard bearded beautiful boar bull cauldron chariot children coins constellation crown crown dagger Daedalus Dionysus/Bacchus dog donkey dragon drunk Echo eggs eggshells Eros/Cupid Eurydice flowers forest garland globe goat ears golden rain grape crown grapes Hercules horns hunter ivy ivy crown Jason lamp laurel laurel tree laurel wreath lyre maidservant monster myrrh myrtle naked Narcissus flower nude nymph oil old old man Orpheus pan pipe Perseus pointed ears pool reed instrument reflection satyr sea monster seeds shepherd shepherd’s dress skin sleeping snake snake bites snake hair snakes stag stout sun sun chariot swan syrinx Theseus thread tied tree Underworld upside down vault of heaven violin wild boar winged wings young young girl young man young woman
Biblical Figures:
altar angel animals ark ass beard boat brothers Burning Bush coat coat of many colors drunk elegantly dressed flood Goliath harp harvest head head of Goliath Holofernes horns Isaac knife long-sleeved coat lyre maidservant naked no armor nude old old man pharaoh Portiphar’s wife rainbow ram rays of light Red Sea rock shepherd slingshot son sons staff stone sword tablets Tablets of Law Ten Commandments tools wine young young man